Today while I was teaching the kids I noticed that I had a TICK not happy they are one of my fobbers, so Mark had to pull it out before I passed out. I told Mark I ‘am going to buy myself a tick collar & tie it around my short he laughed but I was not joking the thought of a little creature burring it’s head into my skin makes me sick. Not a good start to the day. Then after my little drama we went up to the tahune air walk it’s out of Hobart .
It is a big path way up in the trees with mesh under your feet so you can see out right down to the ground I think it was 37metres high, there is one part that you walk out on to a part that has no support underneath & it has quite a bit of bounce it is a little scary Mark didn’t even like it all that much, that is saying something .
Alyssa hated the whole this she was sweating & in tears she couldn’t finish quick enough. I didn’t mind it made for a nice change to be up in the trees then at the bottom.
Ella & Mason had a great time. We then had to cross two swing bridges Mason couldn’t wait as he shot off over them the more they swung the happier he was especially since it made Alyssa upset. We were hot & had enough all except Mark of course he really will just keep going I’am sure there are energizers in him somewhere.
On the way home we called into the big tree, & she is big very impressive .
There will never be a dull moment on this trip with little Ella by your side... the pics of her just make me laugh.