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Leaving home
Here we go!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tumby Bay

I was then 80klm down the road to Tumby Bay, It is another pretty little place right on the water. We didn't have any luck fishing. We did a bit of sight seeing not to much to do. We took the kids on a horse ride around town in a buggy it was good the man had lived there his whole life so he was full of info on the place. i'am loving the pelicans they are such clowns.

1 comment:

  1. HI Shell
    Love the photos.. Alyssa didn't look to happy with the school work:(
    Mason looks so grown up, Ethan wouldn't let me buzz his hair like that, I tried talking Richard into letting me buzz his got a NO:)
    Not much happening here kids are playing with the kids in the street I think I have about 6 kids here at the moment they all seem to come here more than the other house's..
    Kids started Gymnastics today they loved it so that is every Saturday morning..
    Ok going now I hope you like your new look blog If you dont give me a text and I will change it for something else..
    Love Vic
