It is all over we have finished up in Brisbane, It is so sad but good at the same time. I have had enough of the van, I'm looking forward to getting into a house.
The year has gone incredibly fast i can't believe this chapter is over with a new one to begin.
We have seen so much the kids have experienced so many different thing which they would never have done if we didn't decide to leave the box we where living in. It has been so much fun seeing thing through the kids eyes they see things so differently.
We are so glad we sold everything (as scary as that was) it was the best thing we have ever done.
So if you are sick of something and need a change you are the only one that can change it.
We have been back to Melbourne to collect our things we finally found a house to rent,
I have enrolled the kids into School and they have already started and loving it.Ella is starting her first year at school she is so excited.
I think it is amazing how materialistic we become in our lives, it is unbelievable how much you don't need. As i have been unpacking some of my thing i keep thinking to myself what do i really need this for, when you are in the van with three kids you are limited for space so you only take what you really need.I was surprise what we don't need.
Mark has finally got himself back to work, i think he was really enjoying the good easy life it's hard to get back into the swing of things,
It is so much easier to to just travel. The hardest thing was to decide what to have for dinner and were to go next.
It has to be over if we want to continue to eat as the money doesn't grow on trees.
I don't think you really appreciate what you have done until it is over.
I have the odd moment were i would really love to be back on the road but for now we have to work and put the kids through school.
We have the van for sale which is really sad as it is so final, the van has been so good it had everything we needed to be comfortable i think our choice was a good one.
I do think i have grown from this whole experience i have learn how important it is to spend time getting to really know Mark again and for Mark to get to know Alyssa, mason & Ella as he spent so much of there lives working.
Thank you to everyone that has followed my blog i hope that it inspires some of you to do thing you though you never would, life is to short so live it and enjoy it don't put off today what you think you will do tomorrow.
I will continue my blog as I'm off to Thailand in October.